

Thursday 19 December 2013

All i want for Christmas

So, who knew? Sivir is hot.

Not this one -
Don't even get me started on this skin, she looks like an outcast from Planet of the friggin Apes.
Has anyone ever actually purchased this?

Im talking about the new Snowstorm Sivir skin....

Tada! - bangin right!

So happy Sivir went under the 'pen' and had a facelift, and after bossing her abilities she deserves it!
I said before i had never shown much interest in the champion and now she is one of my favourite AD Carries, Blitzcrank pulls can suck me and my super shield and super buffy buffness.

That's one bangin boomerang (and its a snowflake! :D )

In game:

I'll see you all in champ select, with ADC on copy and one hell of a skin.


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