

Monday, 29 December 2014

Razer Kraken Pro Neon

I was a very lucky girl this Christmas and was given the wonderful gift of sound.
I had been lusting after these beauties for quite some time and couldn't wait to try them out.

Introducing the Razer Kraken Pro, Neon series. 

For me the visual aspect of the headset was a top priority. I <3 colour! In fact my set up here is a vibrant rainbow of oranges, reds, greens, blues and now PINK!

You can get them in a range of different colours and I can't help but feel a serious desire to purchase them all to make a real rainbow! 
They're friggin sweet!

Check it out...

 Blue, green, yellow, orange, pink (my ones) and purple.

They look smart, professional and totally kick ass not to mention comfortable. It is the exact right blend of neon with the black detailing that Razer seem to do oh so well.

So they can walk the walk but can they talk the talk?


Razer boasts unparalleled comfort with its plush padding to create it's pristine listening experience.
Whilst at first touch they feel like your head is padded with clouds, after 4-5 hours my ears are sore as hell! But I'm not going to knock any points off for that and here's why; not only has the headset been field-tested by professionals (not sure what counts as a professional here... we all have ears) but they have been created for optimum length gaming sessions. So if some fool were to wear them for hours and hours on end, they would start to hurt eventually. 

I also know from experience that the padding softens over time and mine are new, so I'm wearing them in like a new pair of shoes.


In terms of performance.... holy mother of jeebus! I can finally tune out the sound of my little brother raging in the same room as me. I can sink into a euphoria of totally wicked tunes and the sound of me owning someone in a game. 
The sound is perfection and the description on the site detailing a pristine listening experience is completely true.
The Razer Kraken Pro’s large 40mm neodymium magnet drivers are tuned for clear high- and mid-ranges as well as deep bass for powerful lows.Well done Razer, once again you have won the world of peripherals.


So I can't review this properly as I forgot to turn off my webcam microphone and could not for the life of me figure out why my friends were pressing the mute button on Raidcall... turns out my webcam mic is crackily as hell and they couldn't hear me.
I hope... either that or they just enjoy being able to mute me... finally.

Value for Money

At £79.99 it might seem like a lot of money. Why pay this much money when you could just spend £15 and get a cheap headset from Tesco?
Because you get what you pay for.
For someone that invests a whole lot of time in front of a PC I can honestly say it's worth investing in. Sure they're a little bit uncomfortable 4-5 hours in, but a cheap headset is uncomfortable from the get go. Why sacrifice perfection and performance for the equivalent of 2 Dominos Pizzas?

The Kraken Poem

Below the thunders of the upper deep;
Far far beneath in the abysmal sea,
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee
About his shadowy sides; above him swell
Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;
And far away into the sickly light,
From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumber'd and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green.
There hath he lain for ages, and will lie
Battening upon huge seaworms in his sleep,
Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;
Then once by man and angels to be seen,
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die

[I just like it... other than the last sentence this is of no relevance to my review]


Buy, buy, buy and thank me later.
The only downside I can find with this beauty is my ears hurt a little after extended periods of time. The performance is incredible, the price is reasonable and as I've said before, they look friggin sweet!

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Lets Stream!


Click it... click it nooooooow.


Time to get your Poro on!

The New Summoners Rift Map

So many updates!

So, since it's the game I play the most I figured I would get into League of Legends again as my first post.
There were like a gazillion changes made to everything! 

Let's go...

The look

SR got a major makeover and now it's so pretty! I know a lot of people didn't like the changes made but since they have been implemented not only has my skill increased massively but I also enjoy just being in it.
The last map was messy. The brushes needed a trim, the jungle buffs were a bit boring and everything was as dark as it was miserable.

So what kind of makeover was implemented?
Well not only is the clarity increased and new, more realistic textures implemented but the style overall was changed completely.

Have a look:

Pretty huh!

As you can see in the bottom right the map is now a lot clearer too which makes it easier to call those incoming ganks or take advantage of enemy champion location.

A lot of work went into achieving the desired look. With the previous map being a lot harsher with solid lines, a more natural look was achieved by implementing in more natural 'objects' and using hand painting to create the textures.

As i said earlier, the Jungle buffs were also changed massively in visual respects. 
Here's a complete video covering all of the new changes to SR. It's well worth checking it out.

Final thought?
First time I went into the new map I was certain I wanted to witness two things; baron and dragon spawn.
It was a bit weird at first but now I couldn't imagine playing on the old map.
Well played Riot

Saturday, 27 December 2014

I'm back!

So it's been a while...
I know I know... I left.
I stopped blogging because I simply didn't have the time. My work day was 13 hours long and I didn't have the energy to keep up at the end of the day, but now I do.

So, to kick off my return I'm about to go stream my first play at Far Cry 4.
Check it out: http://www.twitch.tv/akilliegaming
