

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Team Builder

Finally in a two day live beta Riot are finally testing the Team Builder.
This is a component that was desperately needed for League. Too often have i gone into a game and had a player feed because they didn't get the lane that they wanted.
Soon, you will be able to queue under specs like which champ, lane and role you would like to play.

But this isn't just any team builder, with the introduction of Captain selection, you can have the power to co ordinate and build team compositions. You have to ability to kick a player from the game and defy the realms of norm by requesting two junglers, split push or normal setup. Its up to you.

Initially you will not be able to select multiple roles but this will be incorporated once the initial component has been put in place.

The build will not replace other queues but work alongside them.

So i wont be blogging for a couple of weeks as i'm jetting off the Thailand today on holiday.
Have an amazing few weeks of non stop gaming sessions.

See you on the Rift.


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