The other day i was playing Nami Support, SR Normal queue with 2 friends.
I was bossing it. We won the lane, i set up almost all of the kills, i assisted and warded and any other responsibility that falls upon the support.
And then when i told the team not to go to Baron the mid laner questioned:
"Since when did a support start calling the shots?"
I think its a real shame that players still look down on the support role especially considering its the support that controls the bot lane. Its the support who alerts and wards. Its the support who sets up the kills...
I found it so infuriating that my role, that i was playing really well was being belittled and considered undervalued by another member of the team.
Just wondered why it is that people think like that i guess?
Support has recently become one of my favourite roles and i tend to roll Lux, Nami or Thresh depending on my adc. I tend to win my lane as a support because i co-ordinate myself to work with the adc. I communicate to the best i can and never flame.
I support and do it well and ill be damned if the team heads for a Baron 18 minutes in with the whole enemy team up and in the mid lane.
Luckily, i was teamed with the majority.
Keep sharing the love for supports everwhere!

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