I lost 8 out of 10 matches and went in to Bronze III.
I play at a higher level than this, when i queue with my friends who are Silver I/II I get laned against Silvers/ Golds who have played many more games than i have and i can still totally hold my own.
But, you cant win every game, someone always has to lose. Sometimes you can get queued with trolls or people that go AFK or those that just really really suck at that lane/ champ/ team composition/ game in general. Its all irrelevant though, none of it matters because you can just come out of the game, click Play and go into a brand new match with brand new people and a brand new chance to win.
So, im really excited to burn through the ranks.
Now that ive been placed ill be turning away from normal games and focusing on just ranked games unless the whole group is on, in which case we'll be a 5 man premade and bossing it.
I found this really funny post from a member on the LoL forums 'Katsuhayabi' explaining the Division V in each League using potatoes to symbolise the Ranks - http://forums.euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1358115
So, i think it'll be a little while before i'm in the LCS or before someone pays me to play but im having fun playing the game, developing my skills and being part of this awesome yet sometimes 'troll'y' community.
Gl all, HF.

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