So this weeks selection is pretty awesome.
I always take the opportunity to try out the free champs as you never know who you are going to like.
Ive also found that if i try a champ out and i hate playing them, i know how they work. So, when i get laned against them i know how long their 'taunt' lasts for or what level they will be picking up that shield.
You should know your enemy as much as possible and this way is free and fun too!
Rengar. The beast of the jungle, i love this champ but have never played him. Similar to the MF and Cait story, i am loyal to Kha'Zix. He is one of my friends favourite champions though so i might ask for some lessons on the almighty cat soon!

Kha'Zix is my jungler. I can always count on him. He is pretty weak sauce until level 6 when he evolves but when he does he is just this incredible beautiful, ugly butterfly beast that elegantly jumps and rips the shit out of you. One to play. Not easy to master. Alex Ich videos have come in muchos handy - Pentakill anyone?

This little flying bastard has been the bane of many of my adc games. He cranks it up hard late game so the only way you're going to win is by going all out aggressive early on.

I was told the other day that Taric is a support that i need to try in preparation for ranked games. I tend to take an AP carry support so i can scale later game but the flames i get for picking a Lux over a champ that can offer its adc sustain in lane is pretty consistent.

Ive given Ahri a go and she packs a massive punch on top of her charm. She is fast and quirky but she needs more range before ill play her seriously.
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