

Monday 24 February 2014

FrozzenFrossi 135 Hour Stream

This guy is insane.
LoL player FrozzenFrossi is attempting to set a record for the longest game stream in history.
135 hours, which totals to around 5.6 days.

Link here: http://www.twitch.tv/frozzenfrossi

I do not condone this at all as it is highly dangerous and exhaustion can kill.
Nevertheless, if he manages it, it is one pretty incredible achievement, i just hope he understands the consequences he could face.

But when i struggle to stay awake for 24 hours how on earth is this dude going to manage it for 135?
I have three theories, either the guy has an identical twin and they are working in alternating shifts, he is doing this for views and will probably log after 48 hours or he is a vampire and doesn't require the recharge that us mortals do.

Either way, i'm keeping my fingers crossed for him....

Don't try this at home, sleep, eat and boss it in the morning.

Peace all

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