

Thursday 13 February 2014

Vel'Koz The Eye of the Void

Its really nice to see Riot pushing the boundaries of their champion concepts. I've been waiting for another non humanoid to play with and im pretty excited about this one! From the look of his/ hers/ its abilities its going to be a bit of a beast!Its like Kog'Maw and Malzahar had a baby and it was born inside out.... pretty thought right?

So Vel'Zok is the new mid lane champion and im excited to see how people roll him, with what items etc. 
His range is relatively short but being in the mid lane, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. His ult deals harsh levels of uberness but takes a little while to cast making timing skills paramount.
With his Void Rift and Tectonic Disruption Vel'Koz has quite the kiting ability and the curve on his Life Form Disintegration Ray (Awesome name btw) means even Yasou's wall of 'pissing me off' won't stop him.

So lets check out his abilitieeeees.....

Passive: Organic Deconstruction

Vel’Koz’s abilities Deconstruct those they strike. After being hit three times by his abilities, minions, monsters and enemy champions are Deconstructed and suffer bonus true damage. Enemies lose their Deconstruction stacks by avoiding Vel’Koz’s attacks for a short while.

Q: Plasma Fission

Vel’Koz fires a plasma bolt that slows and damages the first enemy struck. Once Plasma Fission hits, reaches its maximum range or is reactivated a second time, the bolt splits at a 90 degree angle. The split bolts deal the same damage and apply the same slow

W: Void Rift

Vel’Koz sends out a straight line blast that tears open a temporary rift to the Void before exploding. Both the initial tear and the delayed explosion damage and apply Deconstruction stacks to caught enemies.

E: Tectonic Disruption

After a brief delay Vel’Koz disrupts a nearby area, damaging and launching all enemies caught into the air. Enemies hit that are close to Vel’Koz are also knocked back slightly.

R: Life Form Disintegration Ray

Vel’Koz channels a ray of infinite energy that follows the cursor for a brief while, damaging, slowing and Deconstructing all enemies in range.
I still cannot get over the ulti name - it is by far my favourite, reminds me of the super powers kids allot their toys.
The Glorious Evolution of Battlecast Vel'koz
[Taken directly from Riot Website - I just thought it was funny]

Username: Creator
Password: *************
Subject: BC.Infiltrator
Accessing BC.INFILTRATOR.v3.log2.25
Captured subject suspends itself in mid-air with no apparent wings or jet propulsion. Point lasers and other Void armaments show Battlecast potential. Subject demonstrates high levels of intelligence, but will be bent to my will.
Replacing the organic carapace of Void creatures is quotidian science for me, but the shift to gunmetal and red armor never fails to please my inner aesthete. The creature’s intelligence quotient has been retained, but restrained. The creature only interprets data in terms of how to destroy a target. Any other form of expression has been disabled. I reverse-engineered its armaments, significantly upgrading them to high-intensity lasers and advanced rocketry.
The Infiltrator’s first field test will be to recon a Resistance cell, collect information on the wider network of Resistance members and dispose of the camp’s troublesome leader. Upgraded, evolved and mine, Battlecast Vel’Koz will not fail me.

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