

Friday 21 February 2014

Hexakill - League of Legends


The current featured gameplay mode is causing quite the storm over the rift.
This mode is really exciting, not only does it interrupt the harmony that is a 5v5 game but its pushing harder teamplays and compositions.
Im super stoked, not only because there are 6 of us that play the game together but its also my birthday tomorrow, so im spending the entire evening with my Hexateam in search of a Hexakill.

Adding in the additional player opens up so many opportunities that players are keen to try new set-ups and break free of the norms for a little while.
Will you have 2 junglers controlling half the map each? or maybe even a support in the mid to keep that mage as uber as possible?
Maybe you want to go 1 per lane with three in the jungle, one jungler per lane? It doesn't matter as thats the fun of Hexakill.
With an extra champ on your team you can push for an earlier Baron or an early gank across two lanes.

I haven't been crowned with a Hexakill yet but i'll keep switching up the teams and comps until i do.
One of my favourite things to do when in queued with 4 of my friends, is set up the MultiUlti where all champs have similar ults - AOE, World Ults etc and lay it on them in one beautifully choreographed killing spree.
My team comp for this evening while ill stream on my Twitch channel - (apologies for the lacking of streams btw, im in the process of sorting my pc out, getting a better cam and upgrading my Twitch account)

Top- Malphite
Mid- Ziggs
Mid Support - Soraka
ADC- Sivir
ADC Support- Orianna
Jungler -  Amumu

Notice something?
Sivir Ult+ Orianna shield + Malphite + Malphite ult + Amumu ult + Ori Ult + +Ziggs Ult + Soroka Ult = The Ace +1

Mathematical perfection.

So, strap in, grab a drink (because its my birthday n'all) and enjoy it while it lasts -2nd March, its all 5's again.

Peace out all!

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