

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Lunar Revel

The League of Legends Lunar Revel Promotion.

At the moment, LoL is running a promo where summoners can vote on a chosen path.. exciting right?

Choose between Power, Truth and Freedom

If battle is the only authentic thing left in your World, choose the path of Power as a fearless, unrelenting warrior.

If you know the most honest test against a warrior is themselves, choose the path of Truth and reject brutish violence.

Choose the path of Freedom id you'd strike only at those who dare challenge your liberty

At the end of the Lunar Revel, each Region will be given a path based on its vote count.

You can then earn the right to the Summoner Icons by winning matched games within Summoners Rift, Twisted Treeline, Crystal Scar and Howling Abyss.

But i think we can all agree that what we all can't wait for, is the Skins that are being released for their Lunar Revel promotion.

Lets dive in, Diana style >>

 Diana just got cooler. I dont play Diana, i have done before but ill be buying her now even if only to add the skin to my collection. It is hawsum! GJ Riot :D
 Not only that, but it looks amazing in game too! Check out the video to get an even close look o.0

So next up we have the almighty Tryndamere!
That guy is a royal pain in my ass, but he gets rolled more often than a dice in monopoly so here we go >>

It is by far, the coolest Trynd skin released. Now, ill be able to enjoy seeing this guy on my loading screen. Check out how he looks in game in the video belooooow >>

And last, but never least is Riven. She is most definitely worthy of this uber skin, there was no other champ that could have pulled this off.
This one will definitely be added to my collection!

Awesome in game too!
And i have another video to showcase just how incredible this skin is.
For when i go all out Cosplay, this or the Diana skin are my top two. But how to decide?????

Check it out in game:

And the wards even got a makeover too :D

Im unsure as to how long these skins are going to be available. I'm hoping they will be limited edition skins but id be happy to see them used every game i lane with or against a Trynd, Diana or Riven.

 Revel on Rebels.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Repopulation

Release Date: Unknown 2014
Subscription: F2P (Free to Play) with an in game cash shop to generate the moniez.

For so long i have been waiting for an MMO RPG's that would make me want to play again.
Im so fed up with the same structure found in the likes of WoW, Guild Wars 2, Rift. They can alter the leveling process slightly or have the most incredible graphics and races, but the structure never changes.
You create character, enter the World and head out on a pre planned, generic story that everyone else has already been through.
What is so enticing about RPG's is exactly that - they are Role Playing Games. An opportunity to be something/ someone that is impossible in life. If you want to shoot firebolts from your ass or go invisible then this is the place to do it.
That is where The Repopulation comes in.
And my God did they get it right!
MMO Sandbox RPG with direct influence and inspiration from Star Wars Galaxies (you know, that game EVERYONE freaking loved!)

The Repopulation is like an onion. It has a lot of layers. It is such an in depth, well thought out game and its on its way to storm the current high ranking MMO's

So where to start... overview i guess?

Ok, i may have just snipped this from their website... apologies for the laziness... it may continue to happen throughout the post.

So, one of the most AWESOME things about this game?


This game is entirely Skills based with 75 unique skills all 14 tiered, you create your own expertise and your perfect character. They say it is possible to reach Grand Master in all skills as there is NO CAP on how many or which skills you can master but it would take too long for anyone to actually accomplish. This eliminates the possibility of having people right at the top and forcing others to grind in order to reach the same status.

The skill levels are as follows:

This also means that for those that do not enjoy the PvP side of the game can focus solely on trade, crafting and selling skills. Entering into PVP is completely your choice - dont like it? Boss the game in your own way. Open up a shop selling the best weapons/ armor/ jewellery or a thousand other things. Build a reputation for being the greatest crafter and sell the the elite PvPers.

So there are currently 6 Skill categories >
  • Armor Skills
  • Beneficial Skills
  • Combat Skills
  • Defensive Skills
  • General Skills
  • Trade Skills
Now lets get a little more in depth.

Armor Skills
Energy Tank Tactics
Light Armor Tactics
Medium Armor Tactics
Heavy Armor Tactics
Shield Tactics

Beneficial Skills  
Animal Handling
First Aid
Veterinary Medicine

Combat Skills
Aerosol Tactics
Automatic Weaponry Tactics
Axe Fighting
Bladed Weapon Tactics
Blunt Weapon Tactics
Combat Knowledge
Dirty Fighting
Dual Wielding
Handgun Tactics
Rifle Tactics
Shotgun Tactics
Siege Tactics
Thrown Weapon Tactics
Unarmed Tactics

Defensive Skills
Aerosol Defense
Automatic Weaponry Defense
Axe Defense
Bladed Weapon Defense
Blunt Weapon Defense
Defensive Knowledge
Defensive Tactics
Handgun Defense
Rifle Defense
Shotgun Defense
Thrown Weapon Defense

General Skills

Vehicle Control

Trade Skills

Armor Crafting
Cosmetic Styling
Culinary Arts
Firearms Crafting
Genetic Engineering
Melee Weapons Crafting
Trap Knowledge
Vehicle Engineering
Wilderness Gathering

For an in depth view of the skill list go to the official The Repopulation website: https://www.therepopulation.com/index.php/game-features/skill-system/skill-list

Player Vs Player.

The Repopulation has a unique three faction PvP system that allows players to create their own independent Rogue Nations.

Unlike most MMO's out their at the moment, The Repopulation are looking to stay away from the generic overused 'capture the flag' style PVP.

"The nation system is one of the core elements of The Repopulation. It can lead to numerous PvP opportunities such as the sieging or defending of cities, or battling for control of vital resources. Independent nations that we refer to as “Rogue Nations” can form their own alliances and become a bastions of peace, or a chaotic group of mercenaries attacking anything on sight"
The Repopulation

One of the things i am most excited about is their Combat Options - Action or RPG mode.
Fed up of autocast and homing abilities? Then switch to RPG mode and aim!
You have the option to use WASD for movement and your mouse to aim and shoot. This game is going ALL OUT to make sure it is enjoyable to everyone. Play how YOU want to play.

Now because of the Skill List every player in the PvP match will be completely unique. Some will be specialising in 'Dirty Fighting' and some could be rolling a Veteran 'Medic' with average 'Assassination' making each fight unique and forcing players to think more carefully about their team composition.
In this game, you are not looked down upon for your profession. Rolling a medic? Great because every player needs to visit you after a battle. Everyone has a role to play, and its up to you which one you... roll.

Combat System:

Specializing in Combat Styles:

Multiple options, but here's the basic outline to give you some idea:
  • Assassination 
  • Aerosol weapons or Flame Throwers 
  • Automatic Rifles 
  • Axes 
  • Grenades 
  • Launchers 
  • Blunt weapons
  • Martial attacks
  • Handguns
  • Rifles 
  • Shotguns
  • Bladed weapons
And to add more fuel to the fire vehicles will also be available. A vehicle has certain roles that needs to be fulfilled especially in PvP. The roles could include: Driver, Gunner, Cannoneer, Medic, Passengers etc.

Health and Armor Pentration
No longer will we live in fear as a level 1 with only 50hp that a level 50 may appear with a gazzillion HP or a skull for that matter (like thats not going to freak me the F' out!)
Every player will be given a base health of, lets say 1000. This can be slightly increased by some stats but never to the point of being unkillable because of it. Fair. I like it.

There will also be three armor types - Light, Medium and Heavy.

"All 3 armor types provide some protection, but Heavy armor is generally the most effective. Certain weapons have different effective rates against all 3 armor types. Quicker weapons such as combat knives, automatics, and handguns are very effective against light armor, but not so much against heavy armor. Slower weapons such as Sniper rifles, broadswords, and poleaxes are most effective against heavy armor. Medium armor is a good middle ground and provides decent protection from everything but axes."

Targeted Shots.
Lets shoot the dude in the leg and watch him suffer. No literally, you can aim for particular body parts that have an effect on that player. Obviously, a head shot is the hardest to aim at but does the most damage. He will not be walking if you blow his brains out. Shooting an enemy in the leg however, watch him limp or pull themselves along the ground. Mwahahaahahaaaa

You also have three postures in the game, standing, kneeling and lying each with its own benefits and penalties.

The Death Penalty.
Gear is damaged and must be repaired. The damage like normal damage can lead to quality reductions.
You suffer a learning disability which reduces your skill up chances by 10% for the next 10 minutes.
A short "cloning sickness" is applied making your combat effectiveness reduced by 25% for 90 seconds
You are unable to attack or be attacked for 30 seconds.


Build, build and build some more. The Repopulation has again, with inspiration from Star Wars Galaxies opened the MMO up to even more possibilities.
Building Nations is very similar to the game Sim City. You are responsible for providing hospitals, commercial opportunities, homes etc. Find a Mayor, have them run your Nation while you are off wielding your dirty knife in your dirty fighting hands.
Open up a Cloning Centre. Thats right - freaking cloning!
I forgot to mention - Genetic Engineering allows you to take DNA and create Hybrids!

A comprehensive list has not yet been released as to the structure options but here is a few to keep you SO FREAKING EXCITED! >>
  • Barracks 
  • Cloning Facilities 
  • Shops
  • Defensive Structures
  • Harvesters: 
  • Happiness Producers
  • Housing structures 
  • Walls 
  • Workshops
  • Armory 
  • Artillery 
  • Construction Yard 
  • Hospital
  • Industrial
  • Laboratories
  • Markets 
  • Military Training

There are three different types of missions:


Basic missions, dominant at the beginning to introduce new players to areas etc. Missions for NPC's in exchange for rewards.

One Time:

These will only be available to the first player that completes them. The NPC's will spawn in random locations and upon completion, will disappear. This is a way to entice and reward players for exploration.


Generated missions will be tailored depending on your skill set. You can turn on or off the option to do missions. If you are flagged as 'looking for work' NPC's will approach you with tailored missions.

NPC's just got cooler - they can now react to you in game.

If you do a good job the NPC will talk about you to other players, be kind to you etc. If you are rude, prepared to be cursed at, have rocks thrown at your face and have your treachery spoken about to other players.

See, first impressions do count!


This is one of the things i am really excited about.

Unlike the generic- you learn a recipe, you create the same thing a million times until you level up approach, The Repopulation goes, again, much much further than that.

Lets say you have a Skilled harvesting profession and an Elite crafting profession.

You mine some ore to create a helmet. Because your harvesting is lower level, you can only take average quality materials when you harvest. This has a detrimental effect on the final product. Like in real life, low quality materials = a low quality product. Fear not though, you can hire someone to harvest you materials if you wish."recipe mastery, resource quality, sub-component quality, skill level and luck will all play into the quality of the end product"

During crafting, an event system has been put in place which will require players to make decisions that can alter the final product.

Items in crafting are separated into two components. - Shells & Fittings.

The shells are exactly what you would expect- the armor/ gun/ sword is the shell.

The fittings are the components that place stats into the items. Like with any of the other parts of the items, these fittings need to be crafted. The stat is dependent on the materials harvested and your crafting level. This means that the item is unique and unlike any other found in the AH (Auction House)

There is also multiple visual options for shells that can allow you to create different looks for you and your character.


As if the game could not get any cooler - Pets.
Everyone can have one!
The pets are separated into three categories:
Robotic, Genetically Engineered and Tamed.

The most expensive type of pet but comes with the most benefits.
They serve a variety of purposes: medical, assasinators etc.
They are always loyal
They will never be permanently destroyed
They are vulnerable to Electro Magnetic Pulse attacks.

Genetically Engineered.
Create a Hybrid pet with similar abilities to its originators.
Stack a number of this pet to carry around with you as unfortunately, once killed this pet is gone. :'(

Tame a number of beasts from a young age and watch as it gets stronger.
Special attacks.
Similar to the genetically engineered pets, once they die they are gone. However, as they get stronger they are less prone to attacks and will instead require veterinary attention.

The Lore:
In case you like the stories:

Over two centuries ago a group of scientists and politicians and adventurers saw the destruction of Earth was imminent and started planning. They gathered together DNA samples of the best and brightest that earth had to offer across all races and classes. They sent out highly automated colony ships to as many planets as possible that had the potential to support human life. Some failed to find habitable planets, some were destroyed, but some survived. How many survived is unknown since communications were lost as the ships got further and further apart from each other. This is the story of one of the survivor colonies. Rhyldan.

During the long journey, important scientific advances were made, including the ability to imprint memories into humans. They called this the Judair Limiter technology and it let them capture a ‘snapshot’ of a person’s memories, emotions, and skills. 

At first, when the TSS Northern Star landed on Rhyldan, mankind was united under a common goal: Survival. Soon the new settlement was dedicated and named Plymouth, and that name once again marked the discovery of a new world. Plymouth was slowly built up using a combination of local resources and of parts of the Northern Star. For some time there was peace and unity among men as one of the native species, referred to as the Lesoo, waged a series of attacks on the new settlement. But while the Lesoo are a strong and hardy species, they were outmatched technologically.

The laws of the land were simple, every person needed to pull their own weight and life was not a right, it was a privilege. Rhyldan was a dangerous world and death in the wilds was a common occurrence. With the Judair Limiter’s up to the minute record of memories and emotions, along with the ability to quickly rebuild humans from their DNA, this made death nothing more than a very painful setback.

But the peaceful cooperation among the settler clones wouldn’t last long. Things took a turn for the worst when a man named Obore Daniels began to stir the pot. Daniels objected to the fact that children were not permitted. He was told that children couldn’t pull their own weight and worse yet, they would make the adults less productive too. It takes a village to raise a child and this village, Plymouth, was under threat of attack by the Lesoo and couldn’t afford to divert the manpower away from survival.

He also took issue with the fact that the Council, a collection of the original colonists, chose which DNA to use on new clones and kept the DNA locked away from everybody else. Some colonists wanted to have friends or family members restored, but unless the dead had possessed unique talents to justify the cloning time, they were told it was not possible with the resources available.

Daniels continued to be vocal about his feelings and over time he swayed a number of other citizens to push for changes. The protesters refused to work until this issue was resolved. They started out with peaceful protests that all too often ended up with clashes between the factions causing vandalism and damage to the city and even more outrage than before. The unity of mankind was splintering, emotions were running out of control, and the settlement was weakened by a lack of essential supplies and workers

To quell the rebellion the Council created the first of a series of Cyborgs, which they called Peacekeepers. These Peacekeepers were created using a mix of hybrid DNA and integrated with brain wave inhibitors that made them controllable and completely loyal to the Council. They were first used in an attempt to force people back to work but when they were pelted with stones and debris they opened fire and human blood was shed on Rhyldan at the order of other humans.

Daniels urged peaceful resolution and even petitioned the Council for permission to start a sister city, but the Council refused. Then he disappeared while out on patrol one day, reportedly falling prey to a Lesoo ambush. The Council decided against spawning a new life for Daniels. From their standpoint he was a troublemaker and could be better replaced by someone who would be just as productive, and much less of a problem.

This decision did not sit well with Daniels’ followers. Protests were begun by a number of citizens, led by a woman named Emily Salazar. Salazar theorized that Daniels had been murdered at the will of the Council and while there was no evidence to support this, the refusal to restore his life left it open to question. Tensions rose and over time the sabotage organized by Salazar became more and more of a problem. 

Then Salazar and those supporting her fled to become outcasts. They named themselves the Free People’s Republic (FPR) and took to the wilds where they seemed to disappear. The Council thought the Lesoo, or some other hazards of the unexplored areas had killed them. Until one night when they staged a well-coordinated and successful attack on the Cloning Facility at Plymouth. The FPR took away a large collection of DNA strands and equipment, making it possible to create their own clones and build an army for themselves.

The Council condemned this act of theft and disunity and declared themselves a nation of their own. Thus the OWON was born. One World, One Nation. Founded on the belief that the FPR splinter has weakened all of mankind, and that it was done purely for selfish reasons. The goal of OWON is the survival of humanity and they will not allow individual agendas to get in the way of that.

The FPR feels that the OWON is an oppressive, totalitarian government who refuses to listen to outside opinions on how to achieve the survival of the human species. The FPR wages a propaganda campaign against them in an effort to reach out to new clones and to force the Council to open its ranks to others. While the OWON paints the FPR as a villainous band of separatists who will blindly divide the people until the Lesoo and other dangers are able to destroy them all.

The sides are so diametrically opposed that they’ve fallen into a state of open war. Power struggles and disgust at the political maneuvering has further splintered the factions. Small groups have broken off of both sides and declared themselves independent. The OWON labels them Rogue Nations and even the FPR has taken up that name for them. An ever-shifting mosaic of alliance and aggression exists between the Rogue Nations and the two larger factions, but mistrust of anyone outside of their own power structure keeps cooperation very limited.

So, that sums up a teeny tiny bit of The Repopulation.

Thats right, that isnt anywhere close to covering it. This is going to storm the MMORPG scene and change the 'generic' gameplay and quest approach hopefully, for good.

Every possibility, every angle has been covered. There is literally something for everyone.

The Repopulation is a mix of the best MMORPG ever created (Star Wars Galaxies) and real life. It takes circumstances such as reputation and actually gives you a reputation! Not just a purple bar until you are 'Friendly' with a particular area.

I cannot wait to play this game and you should be just as stoked as i am!

Peace out all, lets Repopulate!

Tuesday 21 January 2014

How to escape Zac, In style

I almost pooped. It was terrifying. Thankfully i bumped into my friend in the jungle :) Ownzstar - muchos love for the save and protection.
I was rolling Lux in the game, stayed a little too long in the enemy base and ended up running through the jungle with some ugly purple butterfly beast and a blob. Check it out!

Apologies for the video quality - watch it directly from YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRJdwmbU92g&feature=youtube_gdata
Or on my twitch channel here: http://www.twitch.tv/akilliegaming/c/3530570

Muchos Love

Monday 20 January 2014

Calling the Shots

The other day i was playing Nami Support, SR Normal queue with 2 friends.
I was bossing it. We won the lane, i set up almost all of the kills, i assisted and warded and any other responsibility that falls upon the support.
And then when i told the team not to go to Baron the mid laner questioned:
"Since when did a support start calling the shots?"

I think its a real shame that players still look down on the support role especially considering its the support that controls the bot lane. Its the support who alerts and wards. Its the support who sets up the kills...

I found it so infuriating that my role, that i was playing really well was being belittled and considered undervalued by another member of the team.

Just wondered why it is that people think like that i guess?

Support has recently become one of my favourite roles and i tend to roll Lux, Nami or Thresh depending on my adc. I tend to win my lane as a support because i co-ordinate myself to work with the adc. I communicate to the best i can and never flame.
I support and do it well and ill be damned if the team heads for a Baron 18 minutes in with the whole enemy team up and in the mid lane.

Luckily, i was teamed with the majority.

Keep sharing the love for supports everwhere!


Thursday 16 January 2014

As Stunning as a Diamond, And Twice as Hard!

Not what you thought it would be by the title of the post eh? Dirty minds.

This is about..The most awesome Taric T-Shirt EVER!

Isnt it B.E.A.UTIFUL?!
My friend has the Armor of the 5th Age Skin and i need to purchase this for him!
I shall buy it, and video him opening his gift.

So i found the T-Shirt to destroy all others on a website called... RedBubble

Here is the link to their League of Legends section (which is really the only section that matters anyway!) :P
Its full of awesome, funny t-shirts and hoodies

On top of that, choose which colour you want on your t-shirt as you can customize most of the products:

It may be a little expensive for a t-shirt.... but its not just any t-shirt. Its a Armor of the 5th Age Taric T-shirt sporting the words: As Stunning as a Diamond, And Twice as Hard!

I have so much respect for this website and Taric now! And, the pink boss is free this week, so try him out, win the game - and get the t-shirt.



Fan-art Possible Support/ AP carry

I stumbled upon this incredible character concept art on DeviantArt by user RiyokuSakimori.
Her name is Vanity with her story surrounding the myths and legends of The Looking Glass

     I could see this champion as a support, a cross between Janna and Sona.
She hasn't had the honor of being graced with abilities yet although Mind Control, Siren Scream, Soul Crush and some uber stun ulti would make this champ UNSTOPPABLE.
Could you imagine scaling her as an AP carry?

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Champion Rotation

So this weeks selection is pretty awesome.
I always take the opportunity to try out the free champs as you never know who you are going to like.
Ive also found that if i try a champ out and i hate playing them, i know how they work. So, when i get laned against them i know how long their 'taunt' lasts for or what level they will be picking up that shield.
You should know your enemy as much as possible and this way is free and fun too!

Rengar. The beast of the jungle, i love this champ but have never played him. Similar to the MF and Cait story, i am loyal to Kha'Zix. He is one of my friends favourite champions though so i might ask for some lessons on the almighty cat soon!

Kha'Zix is my jungler. I can always count on him. He is pretty weak sauce until level 6 when he evolves but when he does he is just this incredible beautiful, ugly butterfly beast that elegantly jumps and rips the shit out of you. One to play. Not easy to master. Alex Ich videos have come in muchos handy - Pentakill anyone?

I have never played Rammus. Bad i know, but im not into tanky champs. Also, i feel highly let down by riot that there isnt a Sonic skin for Rammus :( And now that ive said it, you all feel just as bummed out as i do.

This little flying bastard has been the bane of many of my adc games. He cranks it up hard late game so the only way you're going to win is by going all out aggressive early on.

I was told the other day that Taric is a support that i need to try in preparation for ranked games. I tend to take an AP carry support so i can scale later game but the flames i get for picking a Lux over a champ that can offer its adc sustain in lane is pretty consistent.

Ive never tried playing Udyr... i used to think he was a bear. He is not, apparently he is a dude in a bear suit? Im not sure. Evil champ if fed. I'll definitely try him out one day but not my type of champ at the moment.

Aaaaah, Lux. Such an uber champ! Ive play her at least once a day and all those that haven't tried her.. why the f' not?

I'm a Miss Fortune fan and as these two counter in lane i decided to stay loyal to MF. But, one of my friends is AMAZEBALLS at Caitlyn plays and watching him play has given me the buzz over Caitlyn, i brought her the other day and cant wait to land some of those incredible ulti's

This fishy little bastard. Its no surprise he is banned in so many ranked games now. I hate laning against this guy in the mid lane. He's jumpy and solid as a rock. And his uber ult isnt easy to dodge either. This is one of the only champs i haven't learnt to play despite the fact that he is my ultimate nemesis, but since he is free - ill be taking Fizz for a spin around the mid lane as soon as i can!

Ive given Ahri a go and she packs a massive punch on top of her charm. She is fast and quirky but she needs more range before ill play her seriously.

Monday 13 January 2014

League Placements

So, it finally happened... i've been placed in ranked.

I lost 8 out of 10 matches and went in to Bronze III.
I play at a higher level than this, when i queue with my friends who are Silver I/II I get laned against Silvers/ Golds who have played many more games than i have and i can still totally hold my own.

But, you cant win every game, someone always has to lose. Sometimes you can get queued with trolls or people that go AFK or those that just really really suck at that lane/ champ/ team composition/ game in general. Its all irrelevant though, none of it matters because you can just come out of the game, click Play and go into a brand new match with brand new people and a brand new chance to win.

So, im really excited to burn through the ranks.
Now that ive been placed ill be turning away from normal games and focusing on just ranked games unless the whole group is on, in which case we'll be a 5 man premade and bossing it.

I found this really funny post from a member on the LoL forums 'Katsuhayabi' explaining the Division V in each League using potatoes to symbolise the Ranks - http://forums.euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1358115

So, i think it'll be a little while before i'm in the LCS or before someone pays me to play but im having fun playing the game, developing my skills and being part of this awesome yet sometimes 'troll'y' community.

Gl all, HF.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Tuesday 7 January 2014

One To Watch Out For...

So today i checked out  Fnatics xPeke bossing up the mid lane on his Twitch stream - Solo queue, SR (Summoners Rift) as Gragas.
But, the player of the match was not Xpeke as you might assume but their Thresh, Acc name - KissMyHero.
I checked out his LolKing stats and is currently Diamond Ranked, but this guy was setting up kills and plays like he was Ed-freaking-ward!

I would definitely keep an eye out :)

Now check out xPeke bossing Orianna in the midlane: http://www.twitch.tv/xpeke

Betting in the office

So, today i challenged my colleague to name all 151 Pokemon in 30 minutes. If he succeeds i have to wear my Pikachu onesie to work for an entire day. If he loses i..... oh. i forgot to make a deal if he loses.....  -.-
Its cool though - any excuse to wear my onesie to work!


So, can you name them all? No cheating :P

Monday 6 January 2014

Twitch Views - Almost 200 :)

Awesome, im almost up to 200 Twitch views :) Ty for watching all!
I'll be streaming again later.... in my freaking Pikachu Onesie!

Keep Calm and AD Carry on

Tickets for EU LCS Now Available! Holy Shiz Niz!

I am completely bummed that i wont be going to this as the line-ups are amazing! But, nonetheless i am totally stoked that ill be watching it live from home! Only i get to watch it in my pyjamas with a massive bowl of popcorn!
So here are the matches:

DateGame TimeMatchupsCostBuy Link
Jan 1419:00 CETFNC vs GMB | CW vs ALL | LD vs KMT | ALL vs FNC | GMB vs CW | SK vs ALT€10Buy Now
Jan 1519:00 CETLD vs ALL | FNC vs SK | ALT vs GMB | CW vs SK | KMT vs ALT€10Buy Now
Jan 1619:00 CETSK vs LD | ALT vs FNC | KMT vs CW | GMB vs LD | ALL vs KMT€10Buy Now
Jan 2319:00 CETALT vs ALL | KMT vs LD | CW vs ALT | GMB vs SK€10Buy Now
Jan 2419:00 CETALL vs CW | KMT vs GMB | FNC vs LD | ALT vs SK€10Buy Now
Jan 3019:00 CETGMB vs ALL | KMT vs FNC | LD vs SK | CW vs FNC€10Buy Now
Jan 3119:00 CETALL vs SK | LD vs CW | SK vs KMT | GMB vs FNC€10Buy Now
Feb 619:00 CETFNC vs ALL | ALT vs KMT | CW vs GMB | LD vs ALT€10Buy Now
Feb 719:00 CETSK vs CW | LD vs GMB | FNC vs KMT | ALL vs ALT€10Buy Now
And seriously, at 10 Euros a ticket... you would be craaaazy not to pick one up!
This year the LCS shall be held in Cologne, Germany (poor UK *sob* we never get anything cool!)

The only reason i wont be attending the Esporting event of the year is that i am off to Thailand later in the year and spent all my monies :( maybe next year though!

So, here is a link to the site - as you can see i stole the table and the images (naughty) so << that counts as referencing it right? What a pain...

So, best Cosplay and giant foam fingers at the ready, and remember - Keep Calm and AD Carry On!